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Friday 2 December 2022

30+ Beautiful SABR QUOTES (Islamic Quotes on Patience)

Sabr ( صَبْرٌ‎‎ ) is the Islamic word for “patience” or “endurance”. It’s often translated as patience, but Sabr more accurately translates to being persistent and persevering. It includes being self-disciplined, remaining spiritually steadfast, and showing the strength of character, especially when faced with adversity and setbacks.

So if you looking for Quotes on Sabr you came to the right place because we share 75 Sabr quotes including from Quran and known figures.

 What exactly does Sabr mean?

Sabr (in arabic صَبْرٌ‎) is an Islamic concept that makes up one of the two parts of faith (shukr being the other). It’s often translated as patience, but Sabr more accurately depicts being persistence and persevering. It includes aspects of being self-disciplined, remaining spiritually steadfast, showing fortitude especially when faced with adversity or setbacks.

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What Does Sabr Look like?

Sabr is about suppressing that loud and obnoxious voice in your head that wants to unleash it’s wrath towards others when they inconvenience you or insult you.

Sabr is about maintaining and upholding one’s love and loyalty to Allah under any circumstance.

Sabr is about tightening your bond with Allah every time you feel pain, suffering or hurt as opposed to straying away. 

Sabr is keeping your head when all around you people are losing theirs.

The Importance of keeping sabr and making it a daily practice is a beautiful and powerful concept of Islam. It’s a way of living that tends to bring peace and tranquility to one’s life. Sabr is about checking your emotions and keeping them under control to prevent you from engaging in activities that may not be deemed righteous. If we’re being truthful, there’s likely been a number of times where in retrospect we may have said or done things which we now regret. In these moments, it would have paid greatly to have practiced Sabar.

But first we’ll explore many verses and quotes about sabr and it’s importance from famous Islamic figures as well as referring to the Quran and Hadith.


We’ll begin with Sabr in Quran. The importance of patience is a common theme spread across many surahs.

“And when they went forth to [face] Goliath and his soldiers, they said, “Our Lord, pour upon us patience and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people.” (Surah Baqarah Ayat 250)

“And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient.” (2:155)

“Who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts are fearful, and [to] the patient over what has afflicted them, and the establishers of prayer and those who spend from what We have provided them.” (Surah Al Haj Ayat 35)

“And certainly were messengers denied before you, but they were patient over [the effects of] denial, and they were harmed until Our victory came to them.” (6:34)

“And if We give man a taste of mercy from Us and then We withdraw it from him, indeed, he is despairing and ungrateful. But if We give him a taste of favor after hardship has touched him, he will surely say, ‘Bad times have left me.’ Indeed, he is exultant and boastful – Except for those who are patient and do righteous deeds; those will have forgiveness and great reward.” (11:9-11)

“O you who have believed, persevere and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah that you may be successful.” (Surah Imran verse 200)

“So be patient with gracious patience.” (70:5)

Learn Dua For Patience From Quran

“He (Ya‘qūb) said, ‘Rather, your inner desires have seduced you to something. So, patience is best. Hopefully, Allah may bring them all together. Surely, He is the All-Knowing, All-Wise.” (12:83)

“O my son, establish prayer, enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and be patient over what befalls you. Indeed, [all] that is of the matters [requiring] determination. And do not turn your cheek [in contempt] toward people and do not walk through the earth exultantly. Indeed, Allah does not like everyone self-deluded and boastful.” (31:17-18)

“Idris, and Zul-kifl, all (men) of constancy and patience” (21:85)

“O believers! Seek comfort in patience and prayer. Allah is truly with those who are patient.” (2:153)

“those who observe patience in order to seek the pleasure of their Lord and establish Salāh and spend secretly and openly from what We have given to them, and repel evil with good. Those are the ones for whom there is the ultimate abode” (13:22)

“[Moses] said, ‘You will find me, if Allah wills, patient, and I will not disobey you in [any] order.” (18:69)

“And be patient, for indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good.” (11:115)

“So patiently persevere: for verily the promise of Allah is true: nor let those shake thy firmness, who have (themselves) no certainty of faith.” (30:60)

“And if you punish [an enemy, O believers], punish with an equivalent of that with which you were harmed. But if you are patient – it is better for those who are patient.” (16:126)

“Now Allah has lightened your (task), for He knows that there is weakness in you. So if there are of you a hundred steadfast persons, they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a thousand of you, they shall overcome two thousand with the Leave of Allah. And Allah is with As-Sabirin (the patient ones, etc.)” (8:66)


The sunnah of Prophet (ﷺ) further emphasizes the importance of patience in Islam.

Narrated Anas: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The real patience is at the first stroke of a calamity.” Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 1302 In-book reference : Book 23, Hadith 61

Sufyan bin ‘Abdullah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I asked: “O Messenger of Allah! Tell me, of something to which I may remain steadfast.” He (ﷺ) said, “Say: My Rubb is Allah and then remain steadfast.” Then I said: “O Messenger of Allah! What do you fear most about me?” He took hold of his own tongue and said: “This.” Riyad As Salihin Arabic/English book reference : Book 18, Hadith 1517

Narrated Abu Hurairah: “When the following was revealed: ‘Whoever works evil will have the recompense of it… (4:123)’ That worried the Muslims, so they complained about that to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and he said: “Seek closeness and be steadfast, and in all that afflicts the believer there is atonement, even a thorn that pricks him, and the hardship he suffers Grade : Sahih (Darussalam) Jami At Tirmidhi English reference: Vol. 5, Book 44, Hadith 3038 Arabic reference: Book 47, Hadith 3312

It was narrated from Ibn ‘Umar that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “The believer who mixes with people and bears their annoyance with patience will have a greater reward than the believer who does not mix with people and does not put up with their annoyance.” Grade : Sahih (Darussalam) Reference : Sunan Ibn Majah 4032 In-book reference : Book 36, Hadith 107

What wealth I have, I will not hoard from you. Whoever has forbearance, Allah will help him. Whoever tries to be independent, Allah will enrich him. Whoever tries to be patient, Allah will give him patience, and no one is given a better or vaster gift than patience.” Muwatta Malik Arabic reference: Book 58, Hadith 1850

Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet (ﷺ) passed by a woman who was sitting and weeping beside a grave and said to her, “Fear Allah and be patient.” Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 1252 In-book reference : Book 23, Hadith 15

Narrated Abu Said Al Khudri: Some Ansari persons asked for (something) from Allah’s Apostle and he gave them. They again asked him for (something) and he again gave them. And then they asked him and he gave them again till all that was with him finished. And then he said “If I had anything, I would not keep it away from you. (Remember,) whoever abstains from asking others, Allah will make him contented, and whoever tries to make himself self-sufficient, Allah will make him self-sufficient. And whoever remains patient, Allah will make him patient. Nobody can be given a blessing better and greater than patience.” Sahih Al-Bukhari Book 24 Hadith 548

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