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Monday 30 January 2023

How to Perform Istikhara Step by Step Guide

Istikhara is a prayer for guidance in Islam. It is a request made to Allah for guidance on a specific matter. It is performed when a person is faced with an important decision and wants to seek Allah's guidance on the matter.

This step by step guide will walk you through the process of performing Istikhara and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

What is Istikhara

How to Perform Istikhara

Istikhara is a special prayer that is performed to seek guidance from Allah on a specific matter. It is recommended to perform Istikhara before making a significant decision, such as getting married, starting a new business, or making a major purchase. The purpose of Istikhara is to seek Allah's guidance and to ensure that the decision being made is the right one.

Why Perform Istikhara

Performing Istikhara is important because it allows you to seek Allah's guidance on a specific matter. It provides you with a sense of peace and reassurance, knowing that you have sought Allah's guidance and that He is watching over you.

It is also a way of demonstrating your faith in Allah and your trust in His plans for your life.

How to Perform Istikhara

There are several steps that must be followed in order to perform Istikhara correctly. These steps are as follows:

Here is a step by step guide to perform Istikhara:

Step 1: Make Intention (Niyyah)

The first step in performing Istikhara is to make the intention (niyyah) to do so. This means to make the intention in your heart to seek Allah's guidance and wisdom in making a decision.

Step 2: Perform Wudu

Before beginning the prayer, it is important to perform Wudu. This is a ritual cleansing that involves washing the face, hands, and feet. This is done to prepare the body and mind for the prayer.

Step 3: Pray Two Rakats of Sunnah Salah

After performing Wudu, it is recommended to pray two Rakats of Sunnah Salah. This is a voluntary prayer that can be performed before or after the main prayer.

Step 4: Recite the Istikhara Dua

The Istikhara Dua is a specific prayer asking for guidance from Allah. It can be recited in Arabic or translated into your own language. The dua can be found in many Islamic books and is easily accessible online.

Step 5: Make the Decision

After performing Istikhara, it is important to trust Allah's decision and make a choice based on the guidance received.

It is also recommended to seek advice from others and to make a decision with the help of Allah.

Step 6: Reflect on the Outcome

After making a decision, it is important to reflect on the outcome and see if it was the right choice. If it was the right choice, then Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah).

If it was not the right choice, then it is important to seek guidance from Allah and to make a better decision next time.

Step 7: Repeat as Needed

If necessary, the Istikhara prayer can be performed multiple times. This is especially helpful in situations where the decision is difficult and requires further guidance.

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Common Mistakes When Performing Istikhara

There are several common mistakes that people make when performing Istikhara. These mistakes can lead to a misguidance or the Istikhara not being performed correctly. Some of the most common mistakes include:

Not having a clear intention: It is important to have a clear intention when performing Istikhara. This helps ensure that the prayer is performed correctly and that you receive the guidance you are seeking.

Not performing Wudu: Performing Wudu is a necessary step in the Istikhara prayer. If you do not perform Wudu, the prayer will not be accepted.

Reciting the wrong Dua: It is important to recite the correct Dua when performing Istikhara. Reciting the wrong Dua can lead to misguidance or the prayer not being accepted.


In conclusion, Istikhara is an important prayer for guidance in Islam. It is performed when a person is faced with an important decision and wants to seek Allah's guidance on the matter.

In conclusion, performing Istikhara is a simple but powerful way to seek guidance from Allah in making important decisions. By following these steps and relying on Allah's guidance, one can make informed and wise decisions.

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